ICEF Podcast

How the pandemic shaped international education

Episode Summary

Main topic • How the pandemic shaped international education Launched in the midst of the Pandemic, the ICEF Podcast sought to keep the international education community informed and connected during a time of unprecedented disruption. It proved to be incredibly popular, reaching a global audience that continued to grow even after the lockdowns had lifted. Today, we celebrate the 50th episode of ICEF Podcast and, now that the pandemic has faded, we are taking a moment to reflect on the lasting impact that it has had on all of us, and how it has changed our industry. As part of our celebration, we are particularly pleased to be joined by a special guest - ICEF's CEO Markus Badde - who reflects on ICEF's experiences during the pandemic and the role the podcast kept in keeping the community engaged.

Episode Notes

ICEF Podcast episode format

1) News & Developments 
2) Main Topic
3) Keys to the market

1) News & developments 
• A discussion of some noteworthy industry news and developments as published on ICEF Monitor.

2) Main topic 
• "How the pandemic shaped international education"
Main topic sponsor: ICEF Finance

3) Keys to the market • Saudi Arabia
Keys to the Market sponsor: IGEC - International Group for Educational Consultancy- The largest educational consultancy firm in the Middle East and North Africa.


Markus Badde

Craig Riggs
Editor in Chief
ICEF Monitor

Martijn van de Veen
Chief Business Development Officer