ICEF Podcast

How policy interventions are impacting student planning for study abroad [Recorded live at ICEF North America]

Episode Summary

A lot is happening again in international education and especially the policy changes across various major study destinations are keeping everyone’s minds busy - including ours and we will therefore discuss how these policy interventions are impacting student planning for study abroad, our main topic this month. The country we discuss in our keys the market section after the main topic this time is the Philippines, these days often referred to as Asia’s ‘rising tiger’. We kick off the episode as always with some recent ‘News & Developments’.

Episode Notes

• News & developments 
     - Foreign exchange: What could a stronger pound and dollar mean for international students this year?
     - The art of the short: Viral video for international student recruitment

• Main topic: How policy interventions are impacting student planning for study abroad

• Keys to the market: the Philippines


Victoria Martin
Chief Commercial and Compliance Officer
GUS Canada

Robin Garcha
Partnerships Director, Solutions Lead
IDP Education

Craig Riggs 
Editor in Chief 

Martijn van de Veen (host)